09 May 2014

Me-Made-May '14: Week One Completed

I've been posting the evidence of my Me-Mades in the MMM '14 Flickr Group. Here's a composite of the first eight days minus one:

MMM '14 Week One.jpg

The day missing from the composite is Friday, Day 2. Fridays are optionally themed under the very loose MMM '14 rules. The first Friday theme was "Cocktails," so here I am enjoying a lovely cocktail of ice water:

MMM'14 Day 2

What have I learned so far from participating in this challenge? First, that leggings are the most useful items of clothing since clothing was invented. I must make more. Even when they go out of style (are they in style now? Would I know? Do I care?) I'll continue to wear them under skirts to facilitate bicycling and avoid the dreaded chub rub.

There are a zillion patterns for leggings and tights in addition to McCall's 6360 which I've been using. At first I wondered how they could be different--sure, some had seams here and some had seams there, but so what? But my ignorance derives in part from the fact that all the leggings I've made are of Supplex or Dry-Flex or similar fabric. So they "fit" as long as they are big enough to go around me. A fabric without so much stretch would actually have to be roughly my size and shape. Sewing Cake's pattern for Espresso Leggings seems ideal to address this issue, at least according to Gillian of Crafting a Rainbow, who has made 8 pair and has worn them every day of Week One. In addition, the variety of seams in the different patterns add style to the basic utility of the leggings I've been sporting. Speaking of sport, Melissa of Fehr Trade offers both workout leggings and duathlon shorts with decorative and (I suppose, but I really have no idea) seaming in both. And pockets!

Another thing I'm learning is that I really have to work on figuring out a personal style that works for me--right now I have no idea. Take Vogue 1291, for example, which I wore on Day 5. It is a lovely top and very easy to make. I've made two. This one, which I decided after wearing it once was too big:


and the one pictured in the composite above, made a size smaller. That one was also too big--the top is supposed to be snug around the hips to create a blousy, drapey effect. So I snugged up the bottom and now the top fits properly, I guess. But I still look like a tree stump wearing it with my circle skirt. Light slowly dawns. Maybe tops that drop straight from the shoulders to the hips are not my best look? Hmm. Do I have a best look? It may be a moot question, since my "look" for the foreseeable future has to fit in the panniers on my bicycle, but I guess I'll give it some thought.

01 May 2014

Me-Made-May '14

I, KC, of The Sewcratic Method sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to wear and photograph at least one me-made or refashioned article of clothing or accessory, not cheating and counting my me-made pajamas, each day for the duration of May 2014, even though I missed the May 1 deadline.

I didn't actually miss the deadline, I just missed So Zo's deadline for signing up by commenting on her post. I hadn't really thought much about Me-Made-May, having a LOT of other things on my mind, but I looked at the calendar this morning and it is May 1, and I looked at the clothing I threw on to walk the dog and it was all Me-Made, so I took that as a sign. Taking random events as signs is so much less stressful than actually thinking through decisions, don't you think?

So here I am in my Me-Made-May '14 Day One getup:


The top is Vogue 8793, made as part of Marcy and Katherine Tilton's Ultimate T-Shirt Craftsy class. Don't blame the Tiltons for the fit--I seem to learn only one thing at a time, and looking at this picture shows me why I should consider a full-bust-adjustment even on a loose-fitting top! Or I could pretend the longer back is a design element--I did make this to wear while cycling. Cycling tops are generally longer in back to accommodate cyclist who lean forward to ride in the drops. Of course, cycling tops are also generally much more fitted to cut down wind resistance, but whatever. The capri pants (I would call them knickers, but then the Brits would snigger at me) are McCalls 6360 with no embellishments. I think they are made of Dry-Flex Knit, as is the back and one sleeve of the top.

The photo was taken just outside the door to the courtyard of my new and temporary apartment. This is a lovely place on the edge of Los Angeles's NoHo (North Hollywood) Arts District, which also puts it on the edge of the NoHo Auto Body Shop District. It's too expensive for my retirement but I'll be here through May, anyway.

Now I'm off to gaze at everyone's MMM'14 creations on Flickr grade papers.