01 May 2012

That Lovely Month When Ev'ryone Goes Blissfully Astray!

Tra la! It's May!
The lusty month of May!
That darling month when ev'ryone throws
Self-control away.
It's time to do
A wretched thing or two,
And try to make each precious day
One you'll always rue!

Well, there's nothing like a Me-Made Month for that!
Here's Day One, but I don't plan to do this everyday no matter how much you beg and plead.

IMG 0419

And speaking of ruing, here is my new aquisition:

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She's a 1956 (I think--between 1956 and 1958) Elna Supermatic I "won" on eBay (these are the seller's photos.) And she came with 16 cams! plus some feet, bobbins, and the accessory box.

$ KGrHqR jQE9NoNEh7oBPhyRLCFpw~~60 57

Plus a cord, knee-bar controller (I grew up with a knee-controlled Singer) and a case that turns the free arm into a flat bed. Made in Switzerland, she will run like a Swiss watch--once I get her going.

Meanwhile I've done something awful to the elastic waistband of my Vogue 8499 and will have to cut it off and try again. So I've downloaded and taped together the Collette Sorbetto pattern to make a top to go with my new PJ Party jammies. I think I will be the last person on the interwebs to make the Sorbetto, but you know, I wanted all of you to work out any bugs first.


  1. Oh no you aren't the last Sorbetto maker, I haven't made her yet, soon. I passed by one of those Elna's at a garage sale a million years ago and have been kicking myself ever since. It was $10, how could I have been so stupid?

    1. Well, if it's any comfort most of them need an intimidating (to me) repair as soon as you get them. Some friction wheel goes flat from not moving for years or decades and has to be replaced or, in my case, extensively researched, located, researched some more, etc. I haven't cracked the machine open yet so we'll see.

  2. Nope. I have not made a sorbetto yet either. Though anytime I have a yard or so of fabric left from a project, I think, "hmmm, sorbetto?"

  3. Oh I have made two Sorbettos, and like you, I do have plans on using it for a pj top to go with my bottoms. It seems like a good pattern for pj's.

    Thanks for adding me to your blog roll, I'll be cruising through your blog history and return the favour.

  4. I hear Sorbetto calling me too!

  5. Cute little sewing machine! No, you are not the last person to make up a Sorbetto. I don't think I ever will.
